Colorado Appraiser
Qualifying Education (QE) Classes
Everything You Need to Succeed as a Colorado Appraiser! Prepare for a career in Colorado Real Estate Appraisal with a complete education program designed to help you succeed as an Appraisal professional. Our courses will take you from learning basic principles of the business to having hands-on Appraisal experience. We provide every course you will need in order to meet the Colorado Appraiser license requirements set forth by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies!
Please Note - We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies in Colorado before proceeding. To check the state licensing requirements, click here.
Appraisal License Program Options
Choose a Program to Enroll
The programs listed below include the Qualifying Education (QE) courses required by the TALCB to earn a Colorado Real Estate Appraiser Trainee license all the way up to a Certified Residential Appraisal License. The additional education required to upgrade your Trainee license are included in the higher priced programs. Champions does not currently offer a Certified General program.
154-Hour Licensed Residential Appraiser Program
SAVE $809
Courses included:
- 15-Hour USPAP
- 30-Hour Real Estate Appraisal: Principles
- 30-Hour Real Estate Appraisal: Practices and Procedures
- 15-Hour Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use
- 15-Hour Residential Valuation: Site Valuation and Cost Approach
- 30-Hour Residential Valuation: Sales Comparison Approach and Income Approach
- 15-Hour Residential Valuation: Report Writing and Case Studies
- 4-Hour Appraising for the Supervisor and Trainee
- Exam Prep Course
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- FREE Exam Prep Retakes for 1 Year
- 154 Credit Hours
above and try again.
79-Hour Appraiser Trainee Program (Live)
SAVE $340
Courses included:
- 15-Hour USPAP
- 30-Hour Real Estate Appraisal: Principles
- 30-Hour Real Estate Appraisal: Practices and Procedures
- 4-Hour Appraising for the Supervisor and Trainee
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- 79 Credit Hours
above and try again.
75-Hour Licensed Residential Appraiser Upgrade Program
SAVE $469
Courses included:
- 15-Hour Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use
- 30-Hour Residential Valuation: Sales Comparison Approach and Income Approach
- 15-Hour Residential Valuation: Site Valuation and Cost Approach
- 15-Hour Residential Valuation: Report Writing and Case Studies
- Exam Prep Course
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- FREE Exam Prep Retakes for 1 Year
- 75 Credit Hours
above and try again.
Learn More about our Virtual Classrooms
Attend live classes from the comfort of your home! Our ChampionsLive virtual classrooms are perfect for students who prefer at-home learning, but also want live instruction.
TALCB Required Qualifying Education (QE) Courses
The following courses are required by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies and must be completed by every license applicant.
2024-2025 15-Hour National USPAP Course
15 Credit HoursGain an understanding of the application of USPAP in real world scenarios.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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Real Estate Appraisal: Principles
30 Credit HoursTake an in-depth look at how real property concepts, characteristics, and legal descriptions influence real estate values. This is a foundational course for other advanced appraisal courses. It summarizes the educational requirements for appraisers, explains the characteristics of a market, and summarizes the process of market analysis.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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Real Estate Appraisal: Practices and Procedures
30 Credit HoursAn overview of Real Estate Appraisal valuation procedures.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use
15 Credit HoursLearn to properly collect, analyze, and understand market data.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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Residential Valuation: Site Valuation and Cost Approach
15 Credit HoursExplore the fundamentals of site valuation and cost approach with course content designed to meet the requirements of the Appraisal Qualifications Board as part of the required Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria. This course fulfills one of the elements of the AQB’s Required Core Curriculum for Licensed Residential Real Property Appraiser Classification and the Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser Classification.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
above and try again.
Residential Valuation: Sales Comparison Approach and Income Approach
30 Credit HoursCover the basics of income property principles that affect the appraisal of residential properties. With this course, you will expand your knowledge of the two primary approaches used to value real property, boost your knowledge on the principles of income capitalization, and set a foundation for more advanced general appraiser classes.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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Residential Valuation: Report Writing and Case Studies
15 Credit HoursAn appraisal report is both the final step and a critical element in the appraisal process. Get up-to-speed on the techniques and procedures associated with writing a proper appraisal report and uncover the various reporting options available. Learn the foundational requirements for these reports, which are taken from USPAP and intended users such as Fannie Mae and HUD. You will also enhance your learning with interactive case studies on a single-family dwelling and a three-unit residential income property.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
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National Appraising for the Supervisor and Trainee
4 Credit HoursA course that aims to assist in creating competent appraisers who promote and reinforce ethical appraisal practice.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
above and try again.
Online Courses Options Available via our 3rd-Party Partner
Champions School of Real Estate has partnered with McKissock Learning to offer Appraisal education online. Click the link below to view the current packages and pricing.
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