Texas Loan Originator Education FAQ

Find the Answers to Your Loan Originator Education Questions!

We are here to help! Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about Texas Loan Originator education. If your questions are not listed below, or if you need additional help, please contact us!

Please Note - All of our Loan courses are approved by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) - Provider #1400073

General Loan Originator Education Questions

The following questions pertain to Loan Originator Pre-Licensing Education (PE) and are commonly asked by people who want to earn a Loan Originator license in Texas.

How is Pre-Licensing Education (PE) or Continuing Education (CE) reported?

After completion of a PE or CE course, Champions will report the course completion to NMLS on your behalf. The NMLS gives providers seven (7) calendar days to report courses upon completion.

Is there a place to view my completed education?

Every state-licensed MLO or persons with a NMLS ID number has access to a course completion record in NMLS. The record contains a complete history of all NMLS approved education completed. The record also displays the number of hours required for specific licenses and any outstanding requirements. Quick Guide - Education Records provides instructions.

What do I do if education is missing?

Contact Champions School of Real Estate to request the status of reporting. Be sure to include your full name as it appears in NMLS and your NMLS ID number.

Loan Originator Pre-Licensing Education (PE) Questions

The following questions pertain to Loan Originator Pre-Licensing Education (PE) and are commonly asked by people who want to earn a Loan Originator license in Texas.

What are MLO Pre-Licensure Education (PE) requirements?

Federal and state law (SAFE Act) requires state-licensed mortgage loan originators (MLOs) to complete PE. The minimum requirement is 20 hours of NMLS approved education which includes the following:

  • Three (3) hours of Federal law and regulations;
  • Three (3) hours of ethics that shall include instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending issues;
  • Two (2) hours related to lending standards for the nontraditional mortgage product market; and
  • Twelve (12) hours of undefined instruction on mortgage origination

Please Note: Many state agencies also have state-specific PE requirements. See the State-Specific Education Requirements for details.

When do I need to complete the 20 hours of PE?

The 20 hours of PE (as well as any state-specific PE) is required to be completed prior to license application.

When do I need to complete PE for Temporary Authority to Operate?

MLOs need to complete federal and state education requirements within 120 days of their Temporary Authority start date.

Example: I want to apply in Texas. I am currently licensed in Ohio. Can I obtain a Temporary Authority to work in Texas?
Yes. However, you will need to meet with 3 hours TX-SL Law state education requirements within 120 days of the Temporary Authority state date AND your 20 hour Comprehensive course must be completed within three (3) years of new or subsequent license application.

See the State-Specific Education Requirements for the Education and Temporary Authority policy for details.

Does PE expire?

An individual who completed 20 hours of PE pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 5104(c) must retake 20 hours of PE in order to be eligible for state mortgage loan originator licensure if he or she:

  1. fails to acquire a valid state license or federal registration as a mortgage loan originator within three years from the date of federal compliance with 12 U.S.C. 5104(c); or
  2. fails to acquire a valid state license or federal registration as a mortgage loan originator within three years from the last date of licensure or registration as a mortgage loan originator.

See the PE Expiration Policy.

When is the PE Expiration policy enforced?

Several states have already or are in the process of enacting the PE Expiration policy.

Check on an agency's status in the State-Specific Education Requirements.

What is the passing grade for PE courses?

You must score a 70% or higher to pass PE courses.

What can I do if I fail the end-of-course exam?

If you do not pass the end-of-course exam, you have 48 hours to re-take the exam. If you do not pass the classroom exam after two additional re-take exams, you will need to pay the fee listed on the wavier and take the entire class again.

Can I use my phone as a calculator in the classroom?

Yes. However, a Champions Counselor can also provide a calculator for you to use during class.

How long from completion of the PE course(s) do I have to take the licensing exam?

Upon completing the required PE courses, you have three (3) years to take the licensing exam. After three (3) years, you would be required to retake the PE courses.

Do I need to pass the SAFE MLO Test more than once if I would like to be licensed in more than one state?

No, the SAFE MLO Test needs only to be passed once. Passing the SAFE MLO Test meets the state-specific test requirements for state agencies.

What is the length of the licensing exam?

The SAFE MLO Test is 190 minutes.

What score do I need to get to pass the test?

By law, all candidates seeking state-licensure, or currently holding a state license, are required to pass the SAFE MLO Test with a score not less than 75%.

Why are there un-scored questions on the licensing exam?

The pre-test (un-scored) questions appearing on the test do not affect the candidate's score or the pass/fail result. These pre-test questions are being pilot tested for future use. Once these pre-test questions are adequately tested, these questions will be considered for use as scored test questions on future NMLS tests. The pre-test questions appear on the test in random order. The candidate will not know which questions are pre-test and which questions are scored.

How will the tests be scored?

The test will be scored electronically. In most cases, once a candidate has finished taking the test, the candidate's score and test result (pass/fail designation) will appear on the screen.

  • Before departing the test center, a printed score report will be presented to the candidate by the test center administrator.
  • Approximately 72 hours after the test is completed, NMLS will post the official score and results to the Testing Information section under the Composite View of the NMLS record.

What is the application fee?

The Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending (TX-SML) Fee Schedule is updated at the beginning of the fiscal year. For the most accurate schedule, please visit the TX-SML website:

What is the licensing exam fee?

The Prometric exam fee is $110.00

Most Popular Loan Originator License Programs
Choose a Program to Enroll

To purchase a package, choose your preferred delivery method from the appropriate dropdown below. To mix-and-match multiple delivery methods, you can choose the Champions Advantage option.

23-Hour RMLO Texas License Program

SAVE $30

Courses included:

  • 20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive
  • 3-Hour TX-SML SAFE: Texas Law and Practice
  • National Exam Prep Course

Additional details:

  • FREE Books / PDFs Included
  • FREE Exam Prep Retakes for 1 Year
  • 23 NMLS Credit Hours
This basic program includes everything you need to apply for a license and prepare for the licensing exam.

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above and try again.

23-Hour RMLO Texas License Essential Skills Program

SAVE $65

Courses included:

  • 20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive
  • 3-Hour TX-SML SAFE: Texas Law and Practice
  • National Exam Prep Course
  • Essential Mortgage Skills
  • How to Market Yourself

Additional details:

  • FREE Books / PDFs Included
  • FREE Exam Prep Retakes for 1 Year
  • 23 NMLS Credit Hours
This program includes RMLO Development courses to better prepare you for a career in Loan Origination.

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above and try again.

23-Hour RMLO Texas License Career Success Program

SAVE $120

Courses included:

  • 20-Hour SAFE Comprehensive
  • 3-Hour TX-SML SAFE: Texas Law and Practice
  • National Exam Prep Course
  • Essential Mortgage Skills
  • How to Market Yourself
  • Success Through Business Etiquette

Additional details:

  • FREE Books / PDFs Included
  • FREE Exam Prep Retakes for 1 Year
  • 23 NMLS Credit Hours
This comprehensive program includes RMLO Development courses to better prepare you for a career in Loan Origination plus our popular Business Etiquette course.

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Set Your Loan Originator License Education Course Schedule.
Classroom, Online, or in the Virtual Classroom!


Students who thrive on conventional, live instruction will enjoy this method! Unlike blended classroom courses, these require in-person attendance, at a Champions campus, for all course hours.

Virtual Classroom

Attend live classes from the comfort of your home! Our ChampionsLive virtual classrooms are perfect for students who prefer at-home learning, but also want live instruction.

Online Interactive

Perfect for independent learners, this delivery is completely self-paced and includes videos and activities. Accessible from any mobile or desktop device with an internet connection.

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Please Note - This delivery method is only available for select Real Estate & Loan Origination courses.

Online (3rd-Party)

Champions School of Real Estate has partnered with OnCourse Learning to offer Loan Originator education online. Click the link below to view the current packages and pricing.

Please Note - By clicking the affiliate link, I consent to the sharing of my personal information between OnCourse Learning and Champions

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Champions Advantage Logo

Select the "Champions Advantage" option when you enroll to customize your learning experience. This option allows you to choose different delivery methods for each course in the program. Learn More.

Loan Originator Continuing Education (CE) Questions

The following questions pertain to Loan Originator Pre-Licensing Education (PE) and are commonly asked by people who want to earn a Loan Originator license in Texas.

What are the Continuing Education (CE) requirements?

Federal and State law requires MLOs to complete a minimum of eight (8) hours of annual CE which must include the following:

  • Three (3) hours of Federal law and regulations;
  • Two (2) hours of ethics that shall include instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending issues;
  • Two (2) hours of training related to lending standards for the nontraditional mortgage product market; and
  • One (1) hour of undefined instruction on mortgage origination.

Please Note: Many state agencies also have state-specific CE requirements. See the State-Specific Education Requirements for details.

What are SMART Deadlines?

SMART Deadlines are set each year to help ensure MLOs complete their CE in time for courses to be reported into NMLS and to allow time for submitting the renewal application.

Example: Texas – the SMART Deadline is December 31st. However, MLOs with Texas-SML are prohibited from applying to renew their license if they have not completed CE. Since it may take as long as seven (7) days for a course provider to report a course completion into NMLS, MLOs are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last minute to try to complete CE or they may be prevented from submitting for renewal on time.

Example: Texas – failure to complete by the December 31st deadline, the Late CE must be taken during between January 1st through February 28th. The last date for CSRE Classroom/Live classes is December 22nd.

Example: Texas – Lapsing of Pre-Licensing Education. PE requirement must be completed within 3 years of new or subsequent license application.

SMART CE 2023 Deadlines: CE has to be completed before the renewal application can be submitted. Complete CE early to submit your license renewal application on time. Follow these dates to ensure you can submit for renew on time:

  • SMART CE DEADLINE: CE course(s) reported to NMLS by Friday, December 8
  • At RISK TO MISS RENEWAL: CE course(s) reported to NMLS by Friday, December 15
  • GUARANTEED TO MISS RENEWAL: CE course(s) reported to NMLS on Friday, December 29

Please Note: An agency could have a CE deadline sooner than those listed above. Deadlines are listed in each agency's section. For more information, refer to State-Specific Education Requirements.

When do I need to complete CE?

The CE requirement is set based on license approval date and is required to be completed prior to submitting for license renewal.

See the State-Specific Education Requirements for additional details and deadlines.

Will NMLS block renewal for a license if the MLO is not CE compliant?

Yes. NMLS will validate the MLO is compliant with BOTH Federal and State annual CE requirements as a condition for applying for renewal.

Can I take the same CE course two years in a row?

No, the SAFE Act specifically prohibits the taking of the same course in successive years.

See the SAFE Act's Successive Year Rule.

Will the system place a license item for CE?

The system will automatically place a license item on each MLO license if the MLO is not yet CE compliant for the license on or around July 15 of that year.

  • The license setting will be cleared by the system once the MLO has become compliant for CE (both federal and any state requirement).

Are MLOs notified if CE is required?

NMLS sends monthly CE notifications as reminder that CE needs to be completed. Note: the notice has nothing to do with any previous year’s CE requirements and your current license(s) is/are not impacted.

Why does my record show “Pending CE” for this year?

The course completion record shows “pending” for the current year because on January 1 the system set a CE requirement for the new calendar year.

  • For example, just as you may have completed CE in 2020 to renew a license for 2021, you will be required to complete CE in 2021 to renew the license for 2022.

When is CE required?

CE is required in the same year as licensure unless Federal PE was also completed that year.

See State-Specific Education Requirements for the Uniform CE policy.

What if an MLO completed state-specific PE this year, are they still required to complete CE?

Yes. If an MLO is already licensed with Federal PE compliance in a previous year and completes state-specific PE for another license, the MLO is still required to complete CE for that agency for the current year.

  • Example: An MLO is licensed in OR in 2016; in 2021, they complete 4 hours of WA state-specific PE and are granted a WA license on 6/12/21. The MLO is still required to complete CE in 2021 (including the 1hour of WA CE state-specific) as condition for renewal in both OR and WA.

What if an MLO is licensed on November 15?

If an MLO is licensed between November 1 and December 31 of any year, they will not be required to complete CE for that year. On Jan 1, YYYY, NMLS will automatically set the CE requirement for the next year. However, if the license status date is entered with a date prior to November 1 during the renewal period, the MLO will be required to complete CE for that year.

What about CE compliance for MU2 individuals?

NMLS is not currently tracking CE compliance for MU2 individuals. However, requirements for MU2 individuals are listed on the charts and the requirements are being manually reviewed by relevant state agencies. Look up an agency in the State-Specific Education Requirements.

What if I have been unlicensed in a state for three (3) or more years?

If you have been unlicensed in a state for three or more years, you may need to retake the 20hrs of PE. See the State-Specific Education charts for details. Check your state specific hours that need to be retaken.

  • Example: In Texas, you would be required to retake the full 23hrs of PE and State specific courses.

When do I need to renew my license?

Your license expires every year on December 31st. The NMLS Annual Renewal Period begins November 1 and ends December 31 each year.

I just earned my license this year. Do I still have to renew this year?

No. If you completed your 20 hours of Pre-Licensing Education (PE) and were licensed this year, you are NOT required to complete 8 hours of Continuing Education (CE) this year. You are NOT required to take Pre-Licensing (PE) and Continuing Education (CE) courses in the same year.

If you became federally compliant for PE between 2009 - 2017 and were licensed between 2009 - 2018, you are required to complete CE in 2019. If you became compliant for PE in 2019 and were approved for an initial license in 2019 you are NOT required to complete CE in 2019.

Where do I go to renew my license?

How much is it to renew my license?

The Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending Renewal Fees for Fiscal Year 2020 (September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2020):

  • Renewing Mortgage Loan Originator License - $60
  • Reinstating Mortgage Loan Originator License - $90 (Applicable if individual license or registration renewal is filed after 12/31 but prior to 3/1)
  • NMLS annual processing fees- Company $100, Branch $20, Individual - $30

How do I make-up CE from a previous year?

To make-up CE from a previous year you must complete Late CE. Champions offers an 8-Hour Late CE option via Learn Mortgage (Hondros), a third-party online education provider. If there is currently a Late CE option available, there will be a separate course listing on our Loan Originator Contuning Education page.

When is Late CE required?

Late CE is required during the annual reinstatement period.

Does NMLS track state-specific Late CE?

Yes. Course providers will report state-specific Late CE just like they do other courses and the system will automatically apply the Late CE to the appropriate year. In the event of an exception, the reported Late CE will be processed and manually applied to the correct year.

I failed to complete the CE requirement by December 31st and failed to complete the Late CE by February 28th. What can I do?

If you were required to take continuing education (CE) and failed to do so, you must complete a Late CE course in order to satisfy the requirement for licensure. If you are returning to the industry, the application process for a new license requires you to satisfy any CE deficiency for the last year in which you were licensed.

Example: In Texas, because you failed to complete CE by the renewal deadline and by the reinstatement period, you must complete the Late CE course.

Please Note: Many state agencies also have state-specific CE requirements. See the State-Specific Education Requirements for details.

Miscellaneous Loan Originator Licensing Questions

The following questions pertain to the Loan Originator career and licensing procedures and are commonly asked by people who are thinking of pursuing a career in the industry.

How does NMLS know what the education requirements are for each agency?

NMLS is programmed with Federal PE and CE requirements as required by the SAFE Act. State-specific PE and CE requirements are set by each state agency through a license setting interface based on requirements set forth in state statute or regulation.

  • Every agency can set their own state-specific requirements for each of their license types.
  • NMLS performs compliance checks at the time of application for PE, and sets the CE requirement when the license is approved.

What if an agency wants to change its state-specific education requirements?

State agencies can modify their state-specific education requirements at any time with advance notice. The advance notice is required to ensure industry is aware of the new requirement and so course providers can modify courses.

What happens if an agency changes its PE or CE hour requirements?

If there is a change to PE requirements any applicant will be required to meet the new requirements on or after the effective date of the new requirement.

Example: If an agency changes their PE requirement from 2 hours to 4 hours of state-specific education effective July 1, any application filed and in a pending status as of June 30th, will remain compliant for having met the 2 hour requirement. Any application submitted on or after July 1 will not be accepted if the individual has not completed the 4 hours of state-specific education.

If a state agency changes its CE requirements at any time during the calendar year, all MLO’s licensed with that agency will be required to meet the new hour requirement even if they were already CE compliant.

Example: If an agency had a requirement for 8 hours of CE on 1/1/2017, and then the agency changes their requirement to include 1 hour of state-specific CE effective July 1, 2021, any MLO that was already CE compliant as of 6/30/2021 will now have to complete the 1 hour of state-specific education.

If I work for a commercial bank or other federally chartered institution, do I need to take the SAFE-required education courses?

No. Registered RMLO's working for a Federally regulated depository institutions are not required to take SAFE educational courses.

What do I have to do to obtain a Criminal Background Check (CBC) through NMLS and/or where do I get started?

If you are a MLO (MU4) or an individual reported on the MU2 (owner, executive officer, branch manager, or qualifying individual) then visit the Criminal Background Check page for information and resources on how to submit a CBC in NMLS.

I have already submitted fingerprints to my regulator(s), do I have to have a Criminal Background Check completed through NMLS?

All loan originators and relevant MU2 individuals must submit fingerprints directly to NMLS using the NMLS authorized fingerprint vendor. The NMLS FBI/Federal Criminal Background Check is separate from any state criminal background check requirement.

For MLOs (MU4) The submission of prints to NMLS is for SAFE Act compliance of a national Criminal Background Check.

I am an individual reported on the MU2 (owners, executive officers, branch managers, qualifying individuals), how do I determine which states/agencies require me to submit a criminal background check?

To determine the specific positions and licenses that are permitted and required to authorize a Criminal Background Check through NMLS, access the “MU2 NMLS CBC Requirements Chart” available on the NMLS Resource Center.

Why do my fingerprints expire after three (3) years?

The NMLS Criminal Background Check (CBC) program approved by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) includes that fingerprints used for CBC purposes not be older than three years from the date the individual was fingerprinted.

Can I obtain a copy of my criminal background check through NMLS?

No. Criminal Background Check results are viewable to state regulators and depositories employing federally registered MLOs only. If you wish to obtain your own criminal background check, you may do so by visiting the FBI website.

I am an individual reported on the MU1/MU3 as an MU2 person that has already completed my criminal background check. Is there a fee for granting additional agencies access to my criminal background check after results have been returned?

Failing to grant access to all relevant agencies before your criminal background check results are returned requires you to authorize and pay for a new criminal background check.

Am I required to authorize a credit report through NMLS?

Every state-licensed mortgage loan originator is required to complete the credit report authorization process through NMLS, even if credit information was previously received by their state regulator. Control Persons (MU2) for state-licensed companies may be required to complete a credit report through NMLS to satisfy state specific requirements. Federally registered MLOs are not required to authorize a credit report.

Does NMLS require a minimum credit score to obtain a license?

Only state regulators have access to review credit information, including credit scores, on licensees. Every jurisdiction maintains its own standards for licensure.

What is the state looking for in my credit report and will my license be revoked if my credit isn’t good?

The SAFE Act requires that mortgage loan originator applicants have, “demonstrated financial responsibility, character, and general fitness such as to command the confidence of the community and to warrant a determination that applicants will operate honestly, fairly, and effectively.”

Each state regulator will independently review the credit information of MLOs licensed in their jurisdiction. There is no automated standard or minimum score that will be enforced inside NMLS. The SAFE Act leaves it to the discretion of each state regulator to develop their own processes and standards for reviewing credit information and determining the financial responsibility of their licensees.

What type of credit report is obtained through NMLS?

The credit report obtained through NMLS is a Single Bureau TransUnion Credit Report with a Vantage Score.

When the NMLS pulls my credit, will it lower my credit score?

When the credit report is obtained, it will be done through a “soft pull” process which has no effect on the applicant’s credit score.

How long is my credit report good for?

The same credit report can be used to satisfy the credit report requirement for both existing licenses and any additional licenses (through transition request or new application) for up to 30 days.

What does TransUnion consider as foreign address?

Any address outside of the United States including the Virgin Island and Puerto Rico are considered foreign addresses by TransUnion. An individual with a foreign address will see a system default address in place of the current residential address during the IDV process.

Can I obtain a copy of my credit report?

State regulators are not permitted to provide a copy of a credit report to individuals directly. You can obtain a copy of your credit report at annualcreditreport.com.

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