Texas Home Inspector
Continuing Education (CE) Classes
Maintaining an active Home Inspector license in Texas is easy with Champions Continuing Education (CE)! For each 2-year license period, the Professional Inspector must complete 32 credit hours of TREC approved, Home Inspection Continuing Education courses including 4 hours of Inspector Legal & Ethics and 4 hours of Standards of Practice Review.
Please Note: An Inspector is not eligible to receive more than 16 hours of Continuing Education (CE) credit for any single subject during a license period. If purchasing courses individually (not in a package), please make note of the "Approved Subject" specified in the description of each course.
Professional and Home Inspector CE Programs
Choose a Program to Enroll
The following programs include multiple courses needed to renew your Home Inspection license in Texas. Regardless of which package you choose, rest assured that the TREC mandated 32-hours is included so you will have everything you need to maintain an active Inspector license.
Texas Home Inspector CE Program
(1 Elective)
SAVE $60
Courses included:
- 16-Hour Swimming Pool Operator
- 8-Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and SOP Review
- One 8-Hour Elective
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- 32 TREC Credit Hours
above and try again.
Texas Home Inspector CE Program
(3 Electives)
SAVE $60
Courses included:
- 8-Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and SOP Review
- Three 8-Hour Electives
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- 32 TREC Credit Hours
above and try again.
32-Hour Texas Home Inspector CE Program
SAVE $60
Courses included:
- 8-Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and SOP Review
- 24-Hours of Elective Credit
Additional details:
- FREE Books / PDFs Included
- 32 TREC Credit Hours
Set Your Home Inspector License Education Course Schedule.
Classroom, Online, or in the Virtual Classroom!
Students who thrive on conventional, live instruction will enjoy this method! Unlike blended classroom courses, these require in-person attendance, at a Champions campus, for all course hours.
Attend live classes from the comfort of your home! Our ChampionsLive virtual classrooms are perfect for students who prefer at-home learning, but also want live instruction.
Do you learn best at your own pace? Through this delivery method, you get the textbook and teach yourself. Then, when you’re ready, take the test either online or at a Champions campus!
Please Note - This method is only available for real estate QE/SAE/CE and some home inspection courses.
TREC Required Professional and Home Inspector CE Courses
The following TREC Approved, Home Inspector CE courses must be completed by all licensed Inspectors during each two year license period. All of these courses are also available at a discounted rate when purchased together in one of the 32-Hour CE program listed above.
Inspector Legal & Ethics and SOP Review (9/1/23 - 8/31/25)
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Satisfy the TREC CE requirements that pertain to SOP Review and Inspector Legal and Ethics.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- TREC Course #46863
- Approved Subject: Inspector Legal / Ethics / SOP Review
above and try again.
16-Hour Professional and Home Inspector Elective CE Courses
Each of the 16-hour courses listed below are TREC approved CE elective courses which can be applied towards the renewal of your Texas Home Inspector license (32-Hours Required). Please review the individual course description to see if course materials are available in PDF format or if shipping/pick-up is required.
Pool & Spa Certification
16 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Learn the techniques and skills necessary for pool and spa operation and inspection.
This course is designed to provide individuals with the basic knowledge, techniques and skills of Pool and Spa operation, including inspection techniques and processes.
If you want the CPI Certification, you must complete additional steps upon finishing the course. Please click the "Important Information" button for more details.
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #50215 (Classroom / Live)
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- 5-Year CPO Certification
- Approved Subject: Optional Systems
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Pool & Spa Certification Course:
CPI Certification: Those who are seeking the CPI certification will be required to submit an additional registration form and pay a $115 CPI fee to the PHTA (Pool and Hot Tub Alliance) upon completion of the course with Champions.
CloseSwimming Pool Operator / Inspector
16 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Gain the knowledge needed to perform certified pool operations and inspections.
- Shipping / Pickup Required - No online textbook included
- TREC Provider #0005
- TREC Approval #43309 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Optional Systems
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Swimming Pool Operator / Inspector Course:
Shipping / Pickup Required: Classes marked with "Shipping/Pickup Required" do not include an online textbook. This means that students must pick up the textbooks from one of our campuses (Located in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) or have the books shipped to them at the cost of $15 per course. To choose shipping, be sure to select a shipping method from the appropriate drop down menu when setting up your shopping cart.
Please Note: A textbook is required to participate in any Live Broadcast class. Please obtain before the first day of class.
CloseA Non-Technical Guide to Soils and Foundations
16 CE Credit Hours (TREC)This course takes the mystery out of structures, soils and foundations and present the concepts in a manner that is clear, concise, and easy to grasp for those who are not engineers but want to feel confident when they are inspecting homes. The instructor takes you through the mathematics and give you an understanding of the mechanics of structure, soils, and loads. The student will learn to understand how a foundation and structure work and how to interpret signs of deficiencies in foundations and structures and how to present that information in a meaningful way.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- TREC Approval #48101 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Foundations
above and try again.
Commercial Inspections
16 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Learn all about Commercial Inspection property condition assessments.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #43330 (Classroom / Live)
- Approved Subject: Other Approved Courses
above and try again.
Road to Success for Inspectors
16 CE Credit Hours (TREC)This course is to assist new Inspectors in developing skills and knowledge required for a successful career in real estate. It provides step-by-step guidance to starting up and maintaining their real estate inspection business. The course presents cases of the right and wrong way of doing business and practical approaches of developing systems and processes. The standards of practice and code of ethics is emphasized throughout each phase of business.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #51365 (Classroom / Live)
- Approved Subject: Other Approved Courses
above and try again.
8-Hour Professional and Home Inspector Elective CE Courses
Each of the 8-hour courses listed below are TREC approved CE elective courses which can be applied towards the renewal of your Texas Home Inspector license (32-Hours Required). Please review the individual course description to see if course materials are available in PDF format or if shipping/pick-up is required.
Home Pool Essentials
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Learn the essential skills related to certified pool operations and inspections.
- PDF included (Physical textbook is not available)
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #43850 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #43851 (Correspondence)
- PDF Textbook Only / No Shipping
- Approved Subject: Optional Systems
above and try again.
Texas SOP General Provisions
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Stay on top of general inspection codes and how they have changed.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #42474 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #42475 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Texas Standards of Practice
above and try again.
Texas SOP Report Form / Report Writing
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Gain an understanding of the Standards of Practice as they pertain to Report Writing.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #42472 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #42473 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Texas Report Form / Report Writing
above and try again.
Red Flags Property Inspection
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Learn to identify red flags during the inspection process.
- Shipping / Pickup Required - No online textbook included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #50316 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #43030 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Electrical
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Red Flags Property Inspection Course:
Shipping / Pickup Required: Classes marked with "Shipping/Pickup Required" do not include an online textbook. This means that students must pick up the textbooks from one of our campuses (Located in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) or have the books shipped to them at the cost of $15 per course. To choose shipping, be sure to select a shipping method from the appropriate drop down menu when setting up your shopping cart.
Please Note: A textbook is required to participate in any Live Broadcast class. Please obtain before the first day of class.
ClosePerforming Residential Building Inspections
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Gain an understanding of the inspection process and it's place in real estate transactions.
- Shipping / Pickup Required - No online textbook included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #47888 (Classroom / Live)
- Approved Subject: Building Enclosures
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Performing Residential Building Inspections Course:
Shipping / Pickup Required: Classes marked with "Shipping/Pickup Required" do not include an online textbook. This means that students must pick up the textbooks from one of our campuses (Located in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) or have the books shipped to them at the cost of $15 per course. To choose shipping, be sure to select a shipping method from the appropriate drop down menu when setting up your shopping cart.
Please Note: A textbook is required to participate in any Live Broadcast class. Please obtain before the first day of class.
CloseLandscape Irrigation
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Learn to perform a real estate inspection on Landscape Irrigation systems.
- Shipping / Pickup Required - No online textbook included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #50315 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #48766 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Optional Systems
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Landscape Irrigation Course:
Shipping / Pickup Required: Classes marked with "Shipping/Pickup Required" do not include an online textbook. This means that students must pick up the textbooks from one of our campuses (Located in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) or have the books shipped to them at the cost of $15 per course. To choose shipping, be sure to select a shipping method from the appropriate drop down menu when setting up your shopping cart.
Please Note: A textbook is required to participate in any Live Broadcast class. Please obtain before the first day of class.
CloseGrounding vs Bonding Inspection Course
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Gain an understanding of the practices and techniques needed to perform electrical inspections.
- Shipping / Pickup Required - No online textbook included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #44837 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #43310 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Electrical
above and try again.
Important Information Related to Grounding vs Bonding Inspection Course Course:
Shipping / Pickup Required: Classes marked with "Shipping/Pickup Required" do not include an online textbook. This means that students must pick up the textbooks from one of our campuses (Located in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) or have the books shipped to them at the cost of $15 per course. To choose shipping, be sure to select a shipping method from the appropriate drop down menu when setting up your shopping cart.
Please Note: A textbook is required to participate in any Live Broadcast class. Please obtain before the first day of class.
CloseAppliances (CE)
8 CE Credit Hours (TREC)Gain an understanding of the inspecion process as it pertains to appliances.
- Textbooks / PDFs included
- TREC Provider #0005
- Approval #48764 (Classroom / Live)
- TREC Approval #48765 (Correspondence)
- Approved Subject: Appliances
above and try again.