Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Whether you are pursuing a career in Real Estate, Loan Origination, Home Inspection, or Appraisal, you are bound to have questions. Each section below includes a list of some of the most common questions asked by students in each of these exciting fields! Just pick a discipline below to get started! If your questions are not listed on one of the pages below, or if you need additional help, please contact us!
You Have Questions. We Have Answers.
Set Your Real Estate License Education Course Schedule.
Classroom, Online, or in the Virtual Classroom!
Do you enjoy independent study but also want live instruction? This delivery combines both! Spend half your time studying at home, then attend class at a brick-and-mortar campus.
Please Note - This delivery method is only applicable to real estate QE and SAE courses.
Attend live classes from the comfort of your home! Our ChampionsLive virtual classrooms are perfect for students who prefer at-home learning, but also want live instruction.
Perfect for independent learners, this delivery is completely self-paced and includes videos and activities. Accessible from any mobile or desktop device with an internet connection.
Please Note - This delivery method is only available for select Real Estate & Loan Origination courses.
Do you learn best at your own pace? Through this delivery method, you get the textbook and teach yourself. Then, when you’re ready, take the test either online or at a Champions campus!
Please Note - This method is only available for real estate QE/SAE/CE and some home inspection courses.

Select the "Champions Advantage" option when you enroll to customize your learning experience. This option allows you to choose different delivery methods for each course in the program. Learn More.