Champions School of Real Estate
COVID-19 Response

Latest Update: February 23, 2022 at 9:00am

Providing a safe learning environment has always been a top priority for Champions School of Real Estate. Throughout the pandemic, we limited class sizes to provide adequate social distancing and implemented several safety measures at all of our brick-and-mortar campuses throughout the state. Today we are happy to announce that effective Monday, February 28, 2022, Champions School of Real Estate will return to a 100% classroom capacity at all campuses throughout the state.

Campus Health/Safety Measures

  • The "It's Your Choice" policy is now active: mask-wearing is now optional. We highly encourage all non-vaccinated individuals to wear a mask on campus.
  • PPE will be available at check-in and throughout campuses until further notice.
  • Plexiglass desk shields for staff protection will remain in place indefinitely.
  • Student Break Room: microwaves, refrigeration, and coffee service will be available for student use.

Given the pandemic's fluidity, all updates are subject to change based on guidance from health and state officials. We want to thank all of our students for their patience and understanding through the many pandemic-related changes we have implemented since March 2020. Your health and safety will always be our first priority.

Classroom Alternative Delivery Options

Virtual Classroom

Attend live classes from the comfort of your home! Our ChampionsLive virtual classrooms are perfect for students who prefer at-home learning, but also want live instruction.

Online Interactive

Perfect for independent learners, this delivery is completely self-paced and includes videos and activities. Accessible from any mobile or desktop device with an internet connection.

Learn More

Please Note - This delivery method is only available for all QE, select SAE and CE courses.

Online Correspondence

Do you learn best at your own pace? Through this delivery method, you get the textbook and teach yourself. Then, when you’re ready, take the test either online or at a Champions campus!

Sample Course

Please Note - This method is only available for real estate QE/SAE/CE and some home inspection courses.

How ChampionsLive!® Works

Before a Class Starts, Check to Make Sure You Have the System Requirements:

Icon - Computer Screen

Device with Internet Connection and Supported Operating System (Windows / Mac OS)

Icon - Headphones

Functioning Speakers and Microphone

Icon - Webcam

Functioning Webcam

On the Day of Class, Arrive 10 minutes Early Using the Link Emailed to You 48 Hours Prior. If you have not received your link - please call: 866-272-5962

Icon - Photo ID

Check-In Using a Photo ID

Icon - Textbook

Have your Course Materials Set Up and Ready to Go

Icon - Clock

Follow Teacher Instructions

Campus Contacts

Austin Campus

Austin Campus Photo Contact Campus

Dallas Campus

Dallas Campus Photo Contact Campus

Fort Worth Campus

Fort Worth Campus Photo Contact Campus

Houston Galleria Campus

Houston Galleria Campus Photo Contact Campus

Houston North Campus

Houston North Campus Photo Contact Campus

San Antonio Campus

San Antonio Campus Photo Contact Campus

ChampionsLive!® Campus

ChampionsLive!® Campus Photo Contact Campus

Online Campus

Online Campus Photo Contact Campus