Virtual Classroom
An Unparalleled Virtual Classroom Experience Brought to Your Home or Office!
By harnessing today's live video streaming technology, Champions School of Real Estate® is delivering our unparalleled classroom experience of your local campus and instructors to any device connected to the internet. Try our virtual classroom delivery method and see how ChampionsLive Virtual Classroom - with a real teacher, in the comfort of your own home or office - is the future of learning. Learn more about How ChampionsLive! Works.
Go Beyond the Classroom with ChampionsLive!®
In addition to our full catalog of ChampionsLive! courses, Champions School of Real Estate® offers students enrichment opportunities through our ChampionsLive! Educational Events.
View Class Schedule
In addition to our catalog of ChampionsLive!® courses, Champions School of Real Estate offers students enrichment opportunities through our ChampionsLive! broadcasts with CEO/Founder, Rita Santamaria. Register for upcoming live broadcast events and you will receive a link to access the event on the morning of the broadcast.
Learn More
In addition to our catalog of ChampionsLive!® courses, Champions School of Real Estate offers students enrichment opportunities through our ChampionsLive! broadcasts with CEO/Founder, Rita Santamaria. Register for upcoming live broadcast events and you will receive a link to access the event on the morning of the broadcast.
SubscribeLicensing & Education Types Available via ChampionsLive!®
How ChampionsLive!® Works
Before a Class Starts, Check to Make Sure You Have the System Requirements:

Device with Internet Connection and Supported Operating System (Windows / Mac OS)

Functioning Speakers and Microphone

Functioning Webcam
On the Day of Class, Arrive 10 minutes Early Using the Link Emailed to You 48 Hours Prior. If you have not received your link - please call: 866-272-5962

Check-In Using a Photo ID

Have your Course Materials Set Up and Ready to Go

Follow Teacher Instructions