Real Estate Teacher Tutoring
Real Estate Experts Helping you Succeed
Whether you’re trying to pass the state exam or needing guidance to help you in your new career, our one-on-one teacher tutoring sessions will give you the insight you need to understand and succeed in this industry.
Jim Shaw
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 45 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, CCIM trained
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Read the material carefully, pay close attention to the class instructors, do not hesitate to ask questions or for clarification, and take advantage of the tools available before going into your exams with confidence.
John Mercado
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Real Estate Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 39 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, CRB, MBA
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: You are an entrepreneur! As such, you bring unique talents, skills and abilities to real estate. By maximizing these assets, you increase the odds of being a successful realtor.
Mark Cox
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 10 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, Licensed Sales Agent, Residential Mortgage Loan Originator
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Be patient. Especially, at the beginning of your career. It takes time to develop a clientele. Once you feel like quitting, hang in there. Success is just around the corner.
Robert Meche
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 22 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Tutoring with this instructor is by appointment only. Please text (214)683-8973 to discuss scheduling before clicking the button below.
$100 2-Hour
Tom Allen
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 10 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, SRES
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Give a lot of thought to your "network" and reach out to them frequently. As with so many other things in life, it's not so much what you know but WHO you know. And don't give up! That next contact may just be the one to open the door to your dreams!
Christopher Cerda
Subjects: Principles of Real Estate 1, Principles of Real Estate 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Real Estate Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 17 years
Licenses: Licensed Sales Agent
Tutoring Languages: English
Ron Castagno
Subjects: Principles of Real Estate 1, Principles of Real Estate 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, Real Estate Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 10 years
Licenses: Licensed Sales Agent, Texas Arbitrator, Mediator
Tutoring Languages: English
Rose Forey
Subjects: Promulgated Contract Forms, Law of Agency, Real Estate Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 23 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Learn the real estate contracts, addenda, disclosures inside out. Knowledge is power in this business and you have to be confident and show that confidence by knowing what you are presenting to clients.
Mark Inman
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms, RMLO for Real Estate, Real Estate Marketing, Power House Training, RMLO 23-Hour SAFE, RMLO Exam Prep
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 21 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, ALHS, CNHS
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Every day you must sell before you tweak your processes or obsess over your business card formatting. Sell, sell, sell.
Robin Kitzmiller
Subjects: Law of Agency, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 22 years
Licenses: Licensed Sales Agent
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: You can do it!
Matthew Patterson
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 26 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Hang in there! It is not easy, but it is worth it and your hard work will pay off! You know more than you think you do.
Alma Puerto
Subjects: Principles 1, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 25 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker
Tutoring Languages: English, Spanish
Advice: Study as much as possible. Learn and practice what you learn a lot. Put your client's interest first. Think outside of the box. Work hard, Be creative, and be honest. Observe top producers and learn from those you admire and who have done well in life. Love and be proud of your profession!
Bethany Bhattacharya
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 7 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, Designations - ABR, MRP, GRI, SFR
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Do not rely on others to give you leads and business! This is YOUR business, so learn, grow, network, and most importantly...HAVE FUN! Make a list of your top 10 priorities/goals for getting into real estate, and revisit this list often to see how it changes and evolves. Take the leap, get uncomfortable, be creative, and know that this industry is not a competition but an opportunity to generate long lasting relationships.
Corey Lime
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 33 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, IRWA Senior Right of Way Agent Certification
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Remain dedicated and vigilant. If faced with difficulties, don't hesitate to ask for help
Mark Stillings
Subjects: Principles 1, Principles 2, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Promulgated Contract Forms
About this Instructor
Years of Industry Experience: 16 years
Licenses: Licensed Broker, ABR, MCNE, SFR, MRO, PSA, ALHS
Tutoring Languages: English
Advice: Take as much training as possible on how to best brand and market yourself, to create opportunities for success as quickly as possible.