How Full Is Your Bucket?

The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket

Our invisible bucket is either being emptied or filled, depending on our daily interactions with others.

Bucket full – we feel great! We make a positive impact on our workplace.
When our bucket is empty – We feel down, we feel deflated.

Each of us has an invisible dipper – When we say or do things to increase positive emotions in others we are using that dipper to fill their buckets.

Conversely, when we are negative, we are using that dipper to decrease other’s positive emotions by dipping from their bucket. A study found negative employees could scare off every customer they speak with – for good!

When we fill other’s buckets, our bucket is also filled. We have a choice every moment of every day.

In fact we have 20,000 moments per day; researchers tell us to have 5 positive moments to 1 negative moment. Moments are interactive opportunities with people. Those same researchers tell us when couples are 5 to 1 interactive they are in great shape; when they are 1 to 1, marriages are cascading for divorce.

9 out of 10 people say they are most productive when around positive people. Extending longevity is an outcome of positive lifestyles. Increasing positive emotions could lengthen life span by 10 years.

Positive culture in the workplace and in your team is what we strive for. How do we do it?

First on the list is individual recognition. The number 1 reason people leave their company is they received no personal recognition. 65% of Americans say they received no recognition in their workplace in the last year.

5 Strategies to Creating a More Positive Organization

  1. Prevent Bucket Dipping: bucket dipping happens when you say something to or about someone that is hurtful or you neglect to do something that would have filled someone else’s bucket. Reward Bucket Filling in your office
  2. Shine a light on what is right: instead of making a list of agents who are doing things wrong, make a list of those who are doing things right. Write weekly thank you notes to those people. Some examples of what people might do right to have the light shined on them would be attending office meetings, taking initiative to solve problems, volunteering for activities, increase in unsolicited client compliments, straightens up the coffee bar, etc.
  3. Make best friends: This strategy is about creating and supporting an environment that welcomes trusting relationships. Here is a way to foster this environment. Learn the names of everyone you see regularly, take time to sit down with colleagues over lunch or a break and just catch up, find out specific acts that fill someone’s bucket like this agent loves to read, this agent enjoys wine, this agent enjoys grandchildren time…then ask, give, listen
  4. Give unexpectedly: notes, e-mail, spend time with someone who has been asking for your help or attention, give public praise, give by following through on commitments, give others credit for contributions they have made, post positive customer comments where others can see them.
  5. Reverse the Golden Rule – do unto others as to what THEY would like. The only way to be sure you are filling their bucket is to “ask them” what fills their bucket.

A Drop in the Bucket Must Be: Specific, Individual, and Deserved or Sincere Drops are handwritten, personal notes. They’re a simple way to share kind words with others, given unexpectedly, and they fill someone’s bucket with positive thoughts.

Thank you for the business you have given to Champions School of Real Estate over these many years. Without your business we do not have a business. Please send any comments to